TIAR March 17, 2016

+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

March 17, 2016 Board Meeting

Attending: R.Herman, D.Bird, A.Cason, N.Jaschik, B.Elwell, M.Howden,  P.Peters, D.Barnes, E.Lemon, H.Parreño,W.Spilly, B.Swan,W.Wilkinson, G.Strothers and G.L’Esperance ; Guest-  Jim Morris
1. Opening Reflection-    By A.Cason.   

2. Minutes:  The minutes of the February 18, 2016 board meeting have yet to be distributed.

3. Speaker- Jim Morris, Director of the Refugee, Immigration and Language Services Department of Catholic Family Center of Rochester, NY- Presentation on refugees, as distinguished from other immigrants, non-immigrants and undocumented individuals under US Immigration Law; how refugees are processed and an overview of refugee services in Rochester.

4. Rochester Voters Alliance- G.L’Esperance and H Parreño reported.There is a need for volunteers to do the registration.  Calls have gone out to Faith in Action among others.

5. REACH- P.Peters reported-  The REACH house will close @ 4/19//16.  24 have been placed in permanent housing.  The $50,000 promised by the City has not been received.  The new building via The House of Mercy will not be ready for several months.

6. RochACTS- B.Elwell reported.

7. April Speaker’ Topic- The Legacy of the 1964 riots.