TIAR, April 25, 2019


+People of Faith Working Together For Justice in Public Policy+

Board Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2019



Attending: M.Bashir, D.Bird, R.Codding, R.Davis, B.Elwell, R.Herman, N.Jaschik, G.Lawton, E.Lemon, and M.Morich.

B.Elwell presided in the absence of the President

Guest : Nina Goodwin    


1.     Opening Reflection-  Period of silent meditation. 


 2.    Interfaith Climate Summit on 5/19/19-  Motion to approve and endorse the decision of the Executive Committee for TIAR to cosponsor by M.Morich; seconded by R.Codding; Approved unanimously.


3.     Rochester People’s Climate Coalition (RPCC)-  Motion by R.Codding; seconded by M.Morich to join RPCC at the $50 level.  Approved unanimously.


4.     Member Interest Area-Report- G.Lawton and R.Davis reported-  The lists were reviewed and need to be updated.  A substantial portion of the June Annual meeting will be designated for member involvement to relate this to ROC/Acts core groups.